Collaboration Award for GW4-CAT Fellow Jack Underwood
Gene People Symposium 2022: Dr Jack Underwood receives Best Research Partnership Award with the Timothy Syndrome Alliance.
Find out what it’s like to be a GW4-CAT research fellow
Dr Majd Protty, GW4-CAT programme alumnus details the highs and lows of being a clinical PhD student, and the invaluable skills gained from his experience.
Storytelling Workshop
Chantelle Wiseman, GW4-CAT, Cohort II fellow, recently attended a storytelling workshop to hone her presentation skills. The workshop also included an evening event where attendees could put their new found skills into practice. Read about her experience.
COVID-19: Research on the Frontline
Read about the impact of COIVD-19 on GW4-CAT Fellow, Gus Hamilton’s PhD research. Gus pivoted his research early in the pandemic, and was able to contribute to a greater understanding of how to assess and triage COVID-19 patients. His work also assisted in identifying those members of NHS staff at greater risk of contracting the virus; directly informing North Bristol NHS Trust internal policy decisions.
Why GW4-CAT?
If you are thinking about an academic career in the next year or two, but can’t decide where to apply, have a read of our latest blog which highlights some of the advantages of the Wellcome Trust funded GW4-CAT programme:
Why Some People Develop PTSD While Others Don’t
Why some people develop PTSD while others don’t.
Read about the research being undertaken by Chantelle Wiseman, one of our GW4-CAT Cohort II Fellows, into identifying the risk factors for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).