The Wellcome Trust-funded GW4 Clinical Academic Training PhD Programme for Health Professionals invites expressions of interest to join the Senior Supervisor pool to supervise PhD training for a Clinical Academic Training (CAT) HP fellow appointed to the scheme.
All supervisors should:
- Be currently working in one of the four GW4-CAT HP institutions (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff or Exeter)
- Be able to provide a vibrant, state-of-the-art and well-resourced training environment.
- Have a well-funded research group, with capacity to provide support for training fellows: this would include holding significant personal funding as Principle Investigator from the Wellcome Trust (WT), MRC or another prestigious funder (e.g. CRUK, BHF etc)
- Have a consistent track record of excellence in supervising PhD students (clinical and/or non-clinical) to successful completion that is commensurate with supervisor career stage.
- Have an excellent publication track record in 4*/3* journals and be REF2028 submissable.
- Be prepared to commit time to oversee progress of the GW4-CAT HP fellow as Senior Supervisor, and provide frequent and regular supervision with minimal encumbrance from other activities (supervisory or otherwise).
- Be aware and supportive of the additional requirements of the career pathway for health professionals and vets.
- Supervisors at an early career stage (e.g. Senior Research Fellows) will be considered as Senior Supervisors on a case by case basis.
Next Steps:
If you are interested in being considered as a Senior Supervisor you should provide:
- a one page expression of interest
- a copy of your CV – 4 pages maximum, 12 point Ariel font to include:-
- your student supervision record
- current and most recent (last five years) funding
- publications (ten maximum)
Email this to Any expressions of interest will be reviewed against our eligibility criteria by the Management Board on a termly basis.
When a new fellow is appointed, the GW4-CAT HP Directors and Management Board will use expressions of interest to point fellows towards having discussions with potential supervisors who, in the sole opinion of the GW4-CAT HP Directors and Management Board, are undertaking research of relevance to that fellow.
The final decision on who will be appointed as a Senior Supervisor will be the responsibility of the fellow in dialogue with the GW4-CAT HP Directors and Management Board.
Prior to appointment, the GW4-CAT HP Directors will notify the Wellcome Trust, as part of the annual report, to inform them that a Senior Supervisor has been appointed. This will require submission of the fellow’s project and supervisor’s CV.
The final decision on supervisor suitability will be with the Wellcome Trust.